
Board Nominations

Dedicated teachers, staff, and parents help make Naples Elementary a great school!  

Do you want your child to have a great school year by learning and also having fun?  Do you want all students at NES to fulfill their full potential? Do you want to help decide how PTA fundraising money is spent?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, a PTA Board position may be right for you.  Parent involvement is critical for a successful school.

Election will be held at the PTA General Meeting in May. 

The NES PTA Executive Board consists of a President*, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Fundraising, Secretary, Treasurer*, and Membership Chairperson.

President: Serves as principal executive officer of the organization. Supervises and controls activities of the organization. Presides and participates in all executive and membership meetings.

Vice President of Programs: Acts as aide to the President and performs the president duties in the absence or inability of the president. Plans executes PTA programs. Performs other delegated duties as assigned.

Vice President of Fundraising: Acts as aide to the President and performs the president duties in the absence or inability of the president. Plans and executes PTA fundraisers. Performs other delegated duties as assigned.

Treasurer: Has charge and is responsible for all funds of the organization. Reports account balance at membership or monthly meetings. Performs delegated duties as assigned.

Secretary: Record minutes at all executive board and general meetings. Create flyers and newsletters. Performs other delegated duties as assigned.

Membership: Secures PTA memberships and keeps memberships up to date. Performs other delegated duties as assigned.

Full Position Descriptions can be reviewed in the NES PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules.

*President and Treasurer are required positions to remain an active PTA unit.